Skulptura I. Kožarića na Strossmayerovom šetalištu u Zagrebu, snimljeno sunčane subote 15. veljače 2014. godine.
Croatian poet A.G. Matos resting on a bench with a view of Zagreb (author Ivan Kožarić famous Croatian sculptor)
Skulptura I. Kožarića na Strossmayerovom šetalištu u Zagrebu, snimljeno sunčane subote 15. veljače 2014. godine.
Croatian poet A.G. Matos resting on a bench with a view of Zagreb (author Ivan Kožarić famous Croatian sculptor)
Republika Italija je Hrvatskoj, u čast ulaska u EU, ustupila za izložbu ovo Caravaggiovo remek djelo. Večera u Emausu bila je izložena u Zagrebu, u Muzeju za umjetnost i obrt od 5. lipnja do 31. kolovoza 2013. godine. Za mene je ovo bio kulturni događaj godine.
Republic of Italy honored joining Republic of Croatia to EU by temporarily leased that Caravaggio’s masterpiece Supper at Emmaus for exibition, which held in Zagreb in the Museum of Arts and Crafts, from 5th June to 31th August 2013. For me, this was one of the most remarkable events of the year.