Putovanje autobusom od Zagreba do Cannesa, Carcassonea, Barcelone, Monserrata, Marseillea, Aix en Provancea i Nice od 1. do 6. kolovoza 2023. Nezaboravan dojam na nas je ostavila Bazilika Svete obitelji, (katalonski: Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família) u Barceloni koja je krunsko remek djelo arhitekta Antonija Gaudíja, iako je ostala nedovršena nakon njegove iznenadne smrti te se oočekuje dovršetak gradnje do 2025. godine. U trajnoj uspomeni ostat će i naš posjet Svetištu Gospe od Montserrata (katalonski: Madre de Déu de Montserrat) .
Bus travel from Zagreb to Cannes, Carcassonne, Barcelona, Monserrat, Marseille, Aix en Provance and Nice from August 1 to 6, 2023. An unforgettable impression was left on us by the Basilica of the Holy Family, (Catalan: Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família) in Barcelona, which is the crowning masterpiece of the architect Antoni Gaudí, although it remained unfinished after his sudden death and the construction is expected to be completed by 2025. Our visit to the Our Lady of Montserrat or the Virgin of Montserrat (Catalan: Madre de Déu de Montserrat) will remain a permanent memory