Sirmione, Bergamo, Milano, Lago Maggiore
Od 8. do 10. listopada 2015. godine bili smo na izletu autobusom u Milanu i okolici . Ta tri dana ostavili smo kišnu Hrvatsku i uživali u obilasku po sunčanom vremenu. Prvi dan posjetili smo Sirmione na Lago di Garda, a zatim Bergamo (Gornji grad) – Stari trg, Vijećnica, katedrala Sv Aleksandra Bergamskog, Kapela Colleoni i Krstionica. Idući dan proveli smo u Milanu i obišli katedralu Marijina Uznesenja (Il Duomo), hodali po krovu katedrale, posjetili Muzej katedrale, obišli Galeriju Vittorio Emanuelle II te dvorac Sforza. Treći dan došli smo u Stresu i posjetili otoke Isola Bella i Isola dei Pescatori na Lago Maggiore.
Sirmione, Bergamo, Milan, Lake Maggiore
It was a bus trip to Milan and its surroundings from 8 to 10 October 2015. Those three days we left rainy Croatia and enjoyed a tour in sunny weather. The first day we visited Sirmione on Lake Garda, and Bergamo (Upper Town) – Old Square, City Hall, the Cathedral of St. Alexander, Santa Maria Maggiore, Colleoni Chapel and Baptistery. The next day we spent in Milan and visited the Cathedral of the Assumption (Il Duomo), walked on the roof of the cathedral, visit the Cathedral Museum, visited the Gallery Vittorio Emanuelle II and Sforza Castle. The third day we came to Stresa and visited the islands Isola Bella and Isola dei Pescatori on Lake Maggiore.